Contact Us

Street Address

485 Bayswater Road, Mount Louisa Qld 4814

Postal Address

P O Box 7070, Garbutt Qld 4814

Land Line


Our landline is not always monitored, but if you leave a message on our Answering Machine we will get back to you promptly

If the matter you are calling about is urgent, please contact one of the people listed below.


Mobile: 0448749692
Email: [email protected]


Email:  [email protected]

Church Council Chair

Mobile: 0416 155 815

Church Council Secretary

Email: [email protected]


Mobile 0419212816
Email: [email protected]

Property Officer

Mobile: 0478247365

Email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours

The church office is  open from 9am to 12 noon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The office is generally closed Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but will be open from time to time. We can also open the office by arrangement, on request. Of course, we are at the church for our 9am Service on Sundays.